DC-DC Converter 24V to 12V / 20A

This circuit is very common to see trucks or collective where batteries provide 24V and at various points of the electrical circuit required 12V . While many installers take a wire from the junction of the two 12V batteries to afford this is not recommended because in this way is affecting the proper performance of batteries and being downloaded more one than the other with attendant problems this may cause .

 DC-DC Converter 24V to 12V / 20A Circuit Diagram

Converter Circuit Diagram

As shown, the circuit is nothing but an integrated adjustable voltage regulator which is acting on a group of power transistors in parallel. These transistors do the heavy lifting so to speak while the controller is responsible for controlling them. Where is the 24v connector is the input from the batteries . 12v connector is the output and Gnd connector must be grounded. Of course , all components (transistors and integrated ) with good heat dissipation and electrically isolated from the metal.


Place the 10K preset maximum travel (all open or 10K) and connect to the converter output lamp 12V / 50W. A input connecting batteries in series thereby achieve 24V. Place the output in parallel with the lamp tester continuous scale with an appropriate prescription (to be around 50V). Start turning the preset until the lamp brightness and indicate 12V tester.
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