12-Bit Dac with Variable Step Size

Here is a very Simple Electronic Circuit of 12-Bit Dac with Variable Step Size Circuit. The step size of the converter is variable by selection of the high order data bits. The first DAC, A, has a stable reference current supplied via the 10.24 V reference IC and Rl. R2 provides bias cancellation.

As shown, only the first 4 MSB inputs are used, giving a step size of 225/256 2.048/16 = 0.127 mA. This current supplies the reference for DAC whose step size is then 0.1275/256 = 0.498 µ. Complementary voltage outputs are available for unipolar output and using R3 - R4 = 10, Vout is ± 10.2 V approximately, with a step size (1 LSB) of approximately 5 mV. If desired an op amp can be added to the output to provide a low impedance output with bipolar output symmetrical about ground, if R5 = R6 within 0.05%.

12-Bit Dac with Variable Step Size Circuit Diagram:

Variable Circuit Diagram

Note that offset null is required, and all resistors except R2 and R3 should be 1% high stability types. By using lower order address lines than illustrated for DAC A, a smaller step size (and therefore full-scale output) can be obtained. Unused high order bits can be manipulated high or low to change the relative position of the full-scale output.

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