Lighting Garden with Solar Energy

Here is a very simple and effective circuit Project of Lighting Garden with Solar Energy Circuit Diagram. This is an economic circuit of a mini solar lighting system, solar panel 6V/2W is used to charge a rechargeable 4V/800mAh through a current limiting circuit load that uses a LM317T adjustable regulator 3 pin (IC1). Assuming a sunny day 6 hours, a panel will enviarr 2 watts for approximately 900mAh battery. The current can be reduced by increasing the value of R1, for example, 8.2 to 10 ohms ohms.

Lighting Garden with Solar Energy Circuit Diagram:

Solar Energy Circuit Diagram

Specification of a typical solar panel:

6V/2W:Maximum power (Pm):
2WWorking Voltage (Vmp):
9VWorking Current (Imp):
220mAOpen Circuit Voltage (Voc):
10.5VPower Tolerance: -3% to 5%
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    Paradise GL33999 1W Solar Path Light Reviews


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