Audio Power Level Meter Using LM3915

LM3915 monolithic integrated circuit can be designed a very simple audio power level meter that senses analog voltage levels and drives ten LEDs, LCDs or vacuum fluorescent displays, providing a logarithmic 3 dB/step analog display.One pin of the LM39145 changes the display from a bar graph to a moving dot display. LED current drive is regulated and programmable, eliminating the need for current limiting resistors.

Audio Power Level Meter Circuit Using LM3915

Audio Power Level Meter by using LM3915

The whole display system can operate from a single supply as low as 3V or as high as 25V.Replacing conventional meters with an LED bar graph results in a faster responding, more rugged display with high visibility that retains the ease of interpretation of an analog display. LED brightness is easily controlled with a single pot.The internal 10-step divider is floating and can be referenced to a wide range of voltages If you'll use this circuit for a 4 ohms speaker R1 should be 10k , 18k for 8 ohms and 30k for 16 ohms load .
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